Thursday, January 24, 2008

Skinny B#@$%!

Okay, one thing I cannot stand at all is when boys (yes, usually gay boys) refer to themselves as bitches. Seriously. You were born with testosterone producing glands, so act like it. But I am just this once, going to aspire to become just that: A skinny bitch. Jen told me about this book, Skinny Bitch, a week or so ago, but she never told me what it was about. I just assumed it was another Confessions of a Shopaholic type book. Then, Adam told me that he was transitioning from being a vegetarian to a strict vegan because of a book he read called Skinny Bitch. He told me that if I read it, I would love it, and it would change the way I looked at food and health forever.

Well, I bought it last night, and finished it today. The verdict? Well, I just sent off for my free Vegetarian Starter Kit from, and I made it a goal to cut out chicken, beef, and pork from my diet. I don't eat much meat anyway, so I don't think it'll be too hard to do, however; I am taking baby steps and not quite eliminating fish and eggs yet. I am teetering on eradicating dairy as well. Oh, gosh. How would I live without cheese? I tend to fart and get bloated quite a bit when I drink milk, so switching to soy products might be a blessing. Ooh, and I love soy milk! Oh, yeah, and besides producing a lot of interesting and disturbing information, the book posed a question that would stump even Einstein: Who decided to use cows for our milking habits?

Hopefully, with this change in my diet and my already vigorous exercise routine, I'll be a sexy male specimen in no time (still mindful of at least one of my New Year's resolutions! Ha ha!).


Unknown said...

Good goal to be healthy and hot honey! You better start taking mad supplements if you are going to start cutting so much needed protein etc out of your diet. You may be hungry a lot more often now... Chris tried to be a vegetarian once but it killed his body and his Dr said you are too tall and big to be a vegetarian. Your body needs the enzymes in the meat. So just a forewarning...

Sorry if I sound like a bitch. I just want my Chaddy to be healthy! That book sounds interesting to read, I may invest in it, but obviously being a vegetarian is not in my life's game plan :) wink wink Good Luck friend!

angiedunn said...

Go Chad, Go Chad! Good luck with your Vege-endeavors...that rocks.