Sunday, August 3, 2008

Twilight Is Very Similar To Dawn.

I was driving to Salt Lake City this afternoon for brunch, and this black BMW 780 sped past me and then darted into my lane cutting me off. I didn't get mad. Not at all. I just smiled, and said out loud, "You are a beautiful car. Mine is on its way." Hearing myself say those words, without any hesitation, made my smile grow even larger. I have amazing things coming my way, and with each passing day I realize more and more that I might actually be quite fabulous. I have a lot to offer the world, and I'm up for the challenge. I also know that when you offer your services to the world, the world offers up its services to you. Yes, even shiny cars.

While my current mood is sloping downward at this moment due to guilt, mostly, I am filled with an underlined sense of hope and bliss. Today was a day filled with good friends and kind words (and beer and champagne). Although my skin feels tremendously thin right now, and my ribcage is nowhere near enough protection for my weary heart, I know I'm going to be fine.

Completely random: I am nearly two hundred pages into the book Twilight, and I am already in love with Edward. All you mothers/ladies out there, I now understand what all the hype is about.


Laura Blue said...

well it sounds like you are excited about a new car. And i still have yet to read the twilight books. i'm glad you're enjoying them though. i'll just wait for the movie. lol good picture of you, by the way. sexy man!

Unknown said...

You are beautiful and good things are headed your way... and why the hell have you not read these books yet?! They are a lovely read and take you away to beautiful Edward land! When you are done reading and want to discuss, give me a call and we can plan a day or just have a chat on the phone :)

Mike Bartholomew said...

What happened to the monk idea? Monks do not drive 7 series BMWs.

You can borrow my copy of the book "the monk who sold his Ferrari".