Saturday, February 9, 2008

Heidi Ho.

My sweet, Heidi. I cannot tell you all -again, all three of you who frequent my blog, how influential this person has been on shaping my character. She was there for me through one of the most difficult times in my life, and if it weren't for her love, laughter, matronly care, acceptance, tolerance, (and perhaps a little of her disfunction) I would have checked out this cesspool of difficulty and trials a long time ago. I have so many fond memories of her, and looking back, they are some the most colorful memories to touch the canvas that is my life. She is my vivid reds. She is my brilliant yellows. She is my deep oranges. All those colors that make you feel warm inside.

Heidi, you introduced me to so many things. Bridget Jones. Nalgenes. Rock climbing. You taught me how to live spontaneously. You taught me how to laugh when I wanted to cry. You taught me that one (or three) can survive on twenty dollars for an entire month. You taught me the importance of writing every thought on paper. You taught me the importance of having an opinion or a cause. You taught me to persevere.

This video is for you, my dear friend. Does it bring back memories?


angiedunn said...

Tender post....Love friends like this.

Love the video as well. Me & my siblings were listing our all time fave AI performances just recently & I ranked this as my number two! Right behind George Huff "sittin' on the dock of the bay" season 3 style.


Laura Blue said...

you are such a great friend and it sounds like heidi is too. yes, like ang said... "tender post"

kacee said...

I love heidi! Miss her too, we had so much fun hangin' with them in Germany (yes, thanks to you I had a friend from home to hang out with from time to time and get me through the hard times) Anyway, glad you could remind me of someone so happy, fun and REAL!

sweet pickles said...

CHAD! Imagine my surprise when I noticed not just one, but TWO comments from you. Made my day!

Glad to hear you are back in

Hope your hives have gone down from all the cleaning! :)