It's now the seventh of January, and I have not even thought of what my New Year's resolutions are going to be. It seems like I am always resolving to do something better all year long. Not really a good thing though, as it means I rarely complete or attain anything. But, nonetheless, I still try.
I think this year, I'd like to get into shape. I mean, get a rock hard body complete with bulging biceps and washboard abs. I talked briefly about training to be a UFC fighter, but have since scratched that idea. I remember before I started school more than two years ago, I was a die hard health nut. I felt so good back then. There's nothing like having that ache in your muscles from having worked a particular body part to the bone. And, no, that was not dirty.
Being a kinder person ranks high on my list. I used to be so attentive to other people's feelings, and I'm not so much anymore. I mean, sure, I still cry every time I see Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, but that's not the same. I was the one that would hold the door open for strangers, call my cashier by name, and give every homeless person I saw money or food. I want to participate in those little actions that make the world a little better to live in. I want to feel empathy and compassion.
I want to love myself. I have spent my entire life struggling with this one. I think so many people do. I want to be able to know that I do the best I can, and other people's validation is not necessary to make me feel valuable as a person. I want to be able to say what I want, dress how I want, sing when I want, dance when I want, yell when I want, cry when I want, and know that I am
fabulous no matter what anyone else might say. It's easy to fall in love with another person, but it's the hardest thing to fall in love with yourself. The sad thing is that if you don't love the latter you can't truly love anyone else. The companion to this, is the desire to help others love themselves as well. So many of my friends/family members fail to see the gifts, beauty, and potential they possess. I could to a lot better at telling them.
I told a friend of mine recently that she needs to remove all the things in her life that keep her from being truly happy or experiencing joy. I highly doubt that anyone would knowingly take a daily dose of Strychnine and expect to feel good. Why, then, do we allow other things that are poison to negatively affect our lives? This could be foods and drinks, volatile relationships, types of media, defeating thoughts, etc. Anything that has a negative affect, don't do it! D@*# the vices! It's
so much easier said than done! So, this is what I'll do: I am going to choose three things that affect me negatively -two easy things, and one difficult, and I am going to purge them from my life.
The truth of the matter is that we are all capable of doing a little better. We are capable because we truly
are fabulous. Or as my quote below put it: We are all crazy good in one way or another. This is everyone's best year. I can feel it! The future is bright, and it glitters with opportunity. Opportunities to experience life, make memories with friends and family, and just love, love, love!