Friday, February 22, 2008

The Original Gangstas.

Four years have spanned in between these two photos. (May 2004-February 2008) This was going to be a short blog. My intention was to comment on how much we've changed physically, stylistically, fashionably; but, I suddenly realize that so much more progression has taken place than hair color and a keener fashion sense.

Looking back on our Original Gangsta epoch, I smile. I want sigh. I want to laugh. I want to cry a little, too. We've all seen so much change. And with that change, though it may have been difficult, came much growth.

I just have to tell you two, how much I appreciate our trio. Whenever one of us needs something, the other two rally together and rush to the aid of our fallen comrade. Whenever a burden was too heavy to carry -an ending relationship, a burdensome secret, or a simple consequence -we have always been able to count on the others to help us carry it until we were strong. It's a very refreshing feeling to know that every once in a while a friendship comes along that really will never end. I love you two very much individually, and as a combination, I can't help but feel we're invincible!


Unknown said...

You sweeties! You all look so cute. I wish I lived closer so I could see you all more like in the old days. Good friends are such a blessing!

kacee said...

Cute pictures! I have never seen bonnie with blonde hair - I was trying to figure out who it was until I read! Thanks for hanging out with me yesterday, it was tons of fun! I kept finding myself singing random songs from GH3 today, stuff I really don't know! Learnin' something new! :)

Unknown said...

You need to update this thing friend!

Jenn said...

You realize you are very blessed! Good friends are hard to come by! Thanks for your comment too~

How is your workout going? I did about 1 hour of squats today. Pray I can walk tomorrow! :)

Kels said...

i want to be a gangsta with you

Kelli and her Babies! said...

Chad I looked you up from Kacee's Blog your still so good looking I am in the fashion world too. I hope your loving it! How is life been treating you? Anyway just wanted to say hello! Kelli Neilson Petersen